Acacia Robinia Pseudo Acacia | Vesselino LTD, international Suplier, Exporter and Trader slotasiabet

The white acacia is high, reaching up to 25 m high branching, with a broad crown leg of the leguminosae family. The stem is correct or curved. The young branches are red-brown, naked, shiny, with short bristles that are slightly cut off from the bark.

The root system is highly developed and has a strong strengthening capability with bacterial tubers. The bark is grayish, mesh cracked, in that of the branches it is smooth, bare and prickly. Leaves are non-mitopoietic. During the day the leaves are spread out and directed perpendicular to the sun, and at sunset they are laid down.

The flowers are pale yellowish, white or pale pink, large, highly aromatic, gathered in hanging, rare grapevine inflorescences.

The fruit is up to 15 cm long, brown, naked, flattened side by side with a few small, dark brown or gray kidney or oval-oval seeds.

Blooms in May-June depending on altitude. Seeds retain their attractiveness for a long time (up to 30 years). The plant begins to bloom and produce fruit from the third or fourth year or two years. Blooms in May after the trip. The fruits ripen in October, but they remain hanging on the bark until the next spring, even later.

The flowers (Flores of action), cortex (Acacia) and leaves (Acacia leaves) are used.

The flowers are picking up - May-June, bark - March - April, leaves - May - September. Flowers are picked at the beginning and during flowering without the common handle to which they are attached. Picking after the dew. The bark is white in early spring at the start of the juice movement in the plant. Leaves are harvested throughout the plant's growth, but before they start to yellow.

They are used in medicine as an antipsychotic, anti-cough and urinary tract. Nerol is used in the perfumery industry to obtain the specifics and basols, in organic synthesis and as a pro-parasitic agent. The essential oil is used in the food flavoring industry.

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