Betony Betonica officinalis L | Vesselino LTD, international Suplier, Exporter and Trader slotasiabet

Official name: Betony 

Latin name(s): Betonica officinalis, Stachys officinalis, Herba Betonicae 

German: Rote Betonie, Gemeiner Ziest 

Other names: common hedgenettle, betony, purple betony, wood betony, bishopwort or bishop’s wort 

Description: Betonica officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Labiatae family with an oblique rhizome. In Bulgaria, the herb is found in meadows, grasslands and bushes. The stem is up to 60 cm high, upright, four-edged, sometimes ramified at its upper part. The leaves are opposite to each other and notched. The leaves at the base of the stem are mossy with long petioles. The leaves on the stem are only 2 pairs. The flowers are pink-red or purple, cumulated at the top in spike-like inflorescences. This plant is more or less strigose. It blooms between June and September. The fresh plant has a strong, specific scent and a slightly bitter taste. 

Part of the herb used: The stalks of the medicinal plant are used. 
Collection time: The stalks of Betonica officinalis are collected from June to September. The aerial part of the plant 20-25 cm from the top is cut, during flowering. The leaves at the base are also picked and added to the stalks. 

Content and properties: betaine, bitter substances, bentonicin, stachydrin, tannins and traces of essential oil. 

Healing effect and properties: The Betonica Officinalis has an expectorant, antispasmodic, and appetite-stimulating effect. It improves digestion and helps the rapid healing of wounds and fractures. The anti-inflammatory effect of the herb is used in bile diseases, kidney and bladder problems, cystitis. The slightly bitter taste of Betonica Officinalis’ leaves stimulates the liver and digestive tract. The medicinal plant has an astringent and expectorant effects. It helps with shortness of breath, jaundice, dizziness, improves the functions of the nervous system and memory, reduces anxiety. Externally, Betonica officinalis is applied in the form of poultices for wounds, sciatica, insect stings and bites, rheumatism. 

Possible to offer upon customer's request: 

Vesselino ltd. offers the plant in the following varieties: 

  • Stalk/Stem (Herba Betonicae) – whole dried; crushed; cut to specific size as per customer request; ground into powder/flour. 

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