Official name: Wild Wormwood 

Latin name: Artemisia vulgaris 

Other names: black wormwood, forest wormwood 

Description: Wild wormwood is a perennial herbaceous plant with a characteristic aroma and slightly bitter taste. The rhizome of the plant is vertical, multi-headed, with numerous straight branched stems, woody at the base, with a green or reddish color. The leaves are glabrous, dark green in their upper part, densely white-fibrous below, successive. Flower baskets are few-colored and small, erect or spreading, numerous, forming a complex spreading panicle. The flowers of the medicinal plant are tubular, whitish at the base, and brownish-red at the top. 

Part of the herb used: The roots and stems - the aerial part during flowering - are used 

Collecting time: The stalks of the plant are collected during the flowering period from July to September 

Content and properties: essential oil (cineole, thujone), bitter substances, absinthe, etc. 

Healing effect and application: Wild wormwood has an appetite-stimulating, general strengthening, sedative and hemostatic effect. Due to its bitter taste, the plant tones the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. The essential oil of wild wormwood has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The hemostatic effect of wild wormwood has been proven, which is expressed in a decrease in bleeding time. In folk medicine, the plant is used in the form of aqueous extracts (from the leaves and roots) to calm the nervous system and as an anticonvulsant. 

Possibilities to offer at the customer's request: 

"Vesselino" Ltd. offers its customers the plant in the following varieties: 

  • herbs - dried whole, crushed, cut to a certain size according to the customer's request, ground into powder/flour 

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