Common Name: Raspberry

Latin name: Rubus Idaeus L.

Bulgarian name: Malina

Description: Raspberry is a semi-shrub from the Rosaceae family, up to 1.5 m. tall. The medicinal plant is spread throughout Bulgaria on stony slopes, forest clearings and foothills. It is also grown in gardens as a cultivated plant. Develops numerous root shoots. Two-year-old woody branches are fruitful, one-year-old ones are barren. The leaves (Folia Rubus Idaeus) are consecutive, 3 (5 – 7) lobed, pinnate, coarsely toothed, pointed towards the tip. They are green on top, and silver-white mossy layered on the bottom. The raspberry blooms in May and June. The flowers are bisexual, white in color, with a 5-lobed calyx, a 5-leaf corolla and numerous stamens. The fruit is red or yellow in color, collected, composed of small drupes, tasty, juicy, slightly hairy on the surface, egg-shaped.

Part of the herb used: Leaves (Folia Rubus Idaeus), fruits (Fruits Rubus Idaeus)

Time of collection: Raspberry leaves are harvested from July to September after the plant blooms. They are dried in airy places, without direct sunlight or in a dryer at a temperature up to 45°C.

Chemical composition/Content and properties: Raspberry leaves (Folia Rubus Idaeus) contain flavonestannins, vitamin C, provitamin A, malic and citric acid, etc. Fruits (Fruits Rubus Idaeus) contain potassium, magnesium, carotene, phosphorusorganic acids (citric, malic, salicylic, caproic and formic), sugars, pectin, purine substances, etc.

Medicinal effect and application: The leaves of the medicinal plant have anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiviral effects. Raspberry leaves have a general strengthening and toning effect on the body due to their rich content of vitamins and biologically active ingredients. They are used for gastrointestinal diseases (catarrh, heartburn, diarrhea, colic), for colds, for prolonged and heavy menstruation. They are applied externally to gargle with inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and periodontosis. The fresh fruits of the raspberry (Fruits Rubus Idaeus) are an excellent invigorating and strengthening vitamin remedy for various diseases, especially in small children.

Possibilities to offer at the customer's request:

Vesselino Ltd. offers their customers the plant in the following varieties:

• Leaves (Folia Rubus Idaeus) - dried, whole, crushed, cut to size according to the customer's request, ground into herb powder/herb flour

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