Rose Otto essential oil
Botanical name: Rosa Damascena
Used part: fresh rose flowers
Oil-bearing part of the plant: Rosa Damascena Essential oil is extracted by water-steam distillation of fresh rose flowers. Typically, from about 3 to 5 tons of rose flowers, 1 kilogram of rose oil is obtained depending on whether the year is dry or with normal rainfall. The picking of the fresh rose flowers is done by hand, the work begins early in the sunrise and lasts until 10-12 noon. The flowers must be picked up before the sun is hot. Since the rose essential oil contained in them evaporates on heating but is in the highest amount early in the morning. If the flowers are not picked in time, they lose their qualities.
Origin: Bulgaria
Appearance: Transparent liquid
Color: yellow
Aroma: typical for the rose
Ingredients: The main ingredients are higher alcohols (epoetins) and higher paraffins (stearates) in combination with many other trace elements. Contains methyl eugenol, eugenol, linalol, isohexenol, geraniol (about 50%), neol (5-10%), citronelol (15-20%) and stearoptenes (25-30%), normal paraffin hydrocarbons, eugenol and farnesol. The pleasant aroma of roses is due to geraniol, citronelol and phenyl ethyl alcohol. Durability is due to its very balanced composition of waxes, alcohols and microcomponents. Rose water is obtained by distillation of the phenyl ethyl alcohol which is dissolved in distillation water.
The stearates are free of flavor and are due to the fact that the rose essential oil is hardened at 25 ° C. At low temperatures, the oil crystallizes, and when it gets warm, it becomes liquefied again.
Method of extraction: Steam-water distillation
Analytical method: Gas chromatograph
Analytical certificate: Available on request
Storage: Store in tightly closed containers at 5 - 15ºC, without direct exposure to sunlight and other heat sources
Benefits: antiseptic, blood purifying, healing, invigorating, toning the heart, stomach, liver, calming, attention concentration, antifungal, antiviral, healing, loosening, anti-coughing, stimulating menstruation.
Usage: It contains about 300 active ingredients - minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that have a soothing, anti-inflammatory and nourishing effect. Used extensively in cosmetics, the main effect of rose oil on the skin is rejuvenating - it works healing and stimulates the regenerative processes of the skin by keeping it moisture, making it soft and soft, improves elasticity and acts favorably on the finest lines around the eyes.Because it is very strong, the rose essential oil should not be used alone, it should be added to the carrier oil before it is applied to the skin. For this reason, it is added to other massage oils, lotions and face creams. It contributes to the contraction of the enlarged pores, restores dry, dry and sensitive skin, improves elasticity and promotes faster sheathing. It is used for aphtha, various types of dermatoses, skin burns, wounds and radiant skin burns. In addition to its aroma, rose oil is also known for its curative properties, which is why it is used by many German pharmaceutical companies to produce anti-allergy medicines.
Aroma rose oil therapy lowers the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) and acts positively in depressive states. Used for stress, acting soothing in anxieties, nervous tension, insomnia, sleeping nightmares and headaches. Rose essential oil is used for massages and aromatic baths, compresses with it and inhalations. It is used in high blood pressure, arrhythmia, circulatory disorder, neural gastric ulcer, diseases of the bile ducts, internal and external infections, helps the destruction and release of stones in the kidneys, irregular menstruation, premenstrual syndrome. In the therapy Bulgarian rose oil is used in the form of preparations for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, bronchial asthma, cough, hay fever, inflammation and abscesses of the respiratory tract. Insects with rose oil in cold, headache, insomnia, with PMS. Rose essential oil massage works anti-depressant, as well as enhancing sexual desire, deleting stretch marks, regenerating the skin, blending rose oil with other base oils. Rose oil is classified as the strongest aphrodisiac.
Used in perfumery: In AROMA therapy, it is well combined with based essential oils. Bulgarian rose oil is among the most valued on the international market. It is also used in the culinary industry.
Contraindicated for use by epileptics, hypertensives, nursing mothers, pregnant women and children, people with individual intolerance to rose essential oil. You should only be internally under medical supervision! It is not recommended to use alcohol.
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