Black mustard is an annual herbaceous plant of the Crucifirae family. The root is highly branched. The stem is up to 3 m high, straight, branched. The lower leaves are luridly cut, standing on long handles. The upper leaves are smaller, bluish-green. The flowers are golden yellow, small, collected in grape-like inflorescences. The fetus is a two-bristle, splitting a pod with a filamentous nose. The seeds are hollow, with a reticulated dent on the surface. Blooms from May to November.
In our country there is a wild breed in the fields, the fallow as a dangerous weed in the grassy places in the whole country. However, its needs are large and this necessitates its cultivation. It is sown after fermented land or legumes or cereals.
Use mature seeds (Semen Sinapis nigrae). Picking up July - August. Cut the upper fruiting parts of the stem together with the pods or whole stems when the pods begin to turn yellow and the seeds in them become darker.
In folk medicine is used for imposing on cold and bronchitis. It is also used for preserving and making pickles.
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