Common name: Common geranium
Latin name: Geranium macrorrhizum L.
Description: Common geranium is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Geraniaceae family with a horizontal shallow rhizome covered with brownish scales. The plant grows in gardens, forest glades, grassy places and in the mountains up to 1800 meters above sea level. The stems of the Geraniumare up to 60 cm. high, covered with hairs. The leaves are pinnate, globose, with toothed lobes and a sticky surface. The flowers are arranged on long stalks at the tips of the twigs and formed at the top by 5 separate sepals with an axilla. Petals are violet, red or white in color with stamens sticking out of the flower. The fruit is a dry capsule, decomposing into five one-seeded lobes with arcuate axils. The plant has a pleasant specific aroma and blooms from April to July/August.
Part of the herb used: herbs (Herba Geranii macrorrhizi), roots (Herba Geranii macrorrhizi)
Time of collection: The herbs of the plant are collected during the flowering and the adjacent basal leaves are cut with a knife at a height of 4-5 cm. above the rhizome. The rhizomes are collected in spring and autumn by digging them out of the soil.
Chemical composition/Contents and properties: Geranium essential oil is obtained from the common geranium, which is mainly contained in the leaves of the plant. The leaves and rhizomes contain polyphenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, alcohols, ketones, sugars, rutin, curcumin, bormeol, etc.
Medicinal action and application: Geranium macrorrhizum lowers blood pressure and has a sedative effect. Taking it strengthens the capillaries, the action is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulating and blood-stopping. The plant improves blood supply to the heart muscle, lowers blood sugar, dissolves some types of gallstones. It is used externally in the form of compresses for loss of skin, boils. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Possibilities to offer at the customer's request:
Vesselino Ltd. offers their customers the plant in the following varieties:
• herbs (Herba Geranii macrorrhizi) - dried whole, crushed, cut to a certain size at the customer's request, ground into herbal powder/flour
• rhizomes (Radices Geranii macrorrhizi) - dried whole, crushed, cut to a certain size at the customer's request, ground into herbal powder/flour
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