Cowslip (paigle, primrose) Primula officinalis (L.) Hill. (Primula veris L. var.officinalis L.) | Vesselino LTD, international Suplier, Exporter and Trader slotasiabet

Official name:   Cowslip

Latin name: Primula veris 

Other names: needle, forest primrose, wild primrose

Description: Cowslip is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family.  Primulaceae, with a short horizontal rhizome with numerous thin long roots. It is found in shrubs, forests, meadows and meadows and places with altitudes up to 2000 - 2500 m throughout Bulgaria. The leaves are oblong, ovate in shape, wrinkled, jagged at the edges and form a rosette. In the middle of the rosette there is a leafless stem with a height of 5 to 30 cm. The flowers are yellow, regular, up to 15 mm in diameter, five-membered, collected in an inflorescence in the shape of a slightly drooping umbrella. The corolla at the base is a partial petal. The fruit is a multi-seed box.

Part of the herb used: the flowers (Flores Primulae), the rhizomes with the roots (Radix Primulae) and the leaves (Folia Primulae).

Time of collection: The leaves are harvested fresh in March - May. The flowers are harvested without the flowering stem (together with the calyx or without the calyxes) in March-June, and the rhizomes with the roots - before the beginning of flowering or after ripening of the seeds in May-June. They are dried in the shade in ventilated rooms. The dry colors of wild primrose have a sweet taste and a slight smell.

Content and properties: Cowslip contains a number of active substances - saponins (primulic acid A), tannins, essential oil, a lot of vitamin C, phenolic glycosides, enzymes, salicylic acid.  The seeds contain fatty grammarlinolenic acid (GLA), which helps prevent hardening of the arteries, and the human body does not produce it.

Healing effect and application: Cowslip has an expectorant effect and helps in inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. The herb has a diuretic and antirheumatic effect, it is used in neuroses and insomnia, in gout and migraine, strengthens gastric secretion and stimulates the contraction of the uterus.

Opportunities for offering on request of the client: 

"Vesselino" Ltd. offers its customers the herb in the following varieties:

  • flowers (Flores Primulae) - dried whole, cut to a certain size at the customer's request, ground into powder/flour


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