Christ’s thorn is a highly branched, highly prickly, to 3 m tall weed species of the Rhamnaceae family. The young branches are slim fibrous and subsequently become nude, reddish. The leaves are consecutive, located approximately in 2 rows on the branches, up to 4 cm, fall in the...
Anise is an annual herbaceous plant of the family Umbelliferae (Umbelliferae). The root is spiny, slightly branched, reaching up to 60 cm in the soil. Only 1 stem is coming from each root. The stem is up to 60 cm high, upright, branched at the top, naked or covered with small hairs. T...
Official name: Rose hip Latin name: Rosa Canina L. German name: Hunds-Rose Description: Rosehip is a prickly, perennial wild or cultivated shrub from the Rosaceae family. It is a type of wild rose. In Bulgaria, it is found all over the country along mountain roads, along...
Sambucus ebulus is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Caprifoliaceae family. The central root is highly developed, large, thick, and lateral rhizomes come out of his neck. The stems are annual, erect, cut, up to 2 m tall, branched, green almost bare, with a white core. The leaves are...
Rowan mountain ash is up to 16 m high, fast-growing Rosaceae tree. Root system is highly developed, with abundant root cuttings. The stem is a shiny, thin, smooth, greyish-green crust. The crown is rounded, relatively rare. The wood is hard, reddish. The young twigs are hairy with lots of lenti...
Official name: Black elder Latin name: Sambucus nigra L. Other names: Elderberry Description: The black elder is a low tree or shrub, with a soft white core, gray bark and a height of up to 6 m. It grows in and near populated areas, bushes and forests throughout Bulgaria. It has ...
Official name: Prunus spinosa L Other names: Thorn, sloe Description: The stem is a prickly, highly branched, up to 3 m tall shrub from the Rosaceae family. Each twig is almost horizontal and ends in a sharp thistle. The bark of the stem is always gray-black. The leaves of the herb are uniform...
Horse chestnut is a relatively high beautiful tree with a powerful root system. The crown is densely rounded, rounded, sometimes conical. The leaves are opposite, large palm, dark green. The flowers are white, relatively large, irregular, gathered in conical, multicolored, dense and large uprig...
Common name: Aronia Latin name: Aronia Melanocarpa L. Other names: black chokeberry Description: Aronia is a perennial shrub (or tree) of the Rosaceae family with a shallow root system and a height of 1.5 to 3 m. It spreads by root shoots. In the first 3-4 years, the young bushe...