Official name: European Hazel
Latin name: Corylus avellana L.
German name: Hagelnuss
Other names: Cobnut, European Filbert
Description: The European Hazel is a shrub or tree from the Birtch family (Betulaceae), with a height of 2 to 5m. It is one of the most widespread shrub-like species in Bulgaria and grows in deciduous forests. Cobnut has the unique ability to reproduce by root suckers. The hazel bush forms a dense almost spherical crown. The stem has a smooth, ashy bark, covered with small roughness. European Hazel is a monoecious and dioecious plant. It’s male and female flowers are collected in inflorescences – fringes that appear before the hazel bushes leaf out. Flowering begins before the foliage develops from February to April, and the fruit fully ripens in August. The leaves have a heart-shaped base, large, pointed at the top, covered with hairs. The fruits are delicious nuts(hazelnuts), hidden in a round brownish shell, wrapped in a green fruit cap.
Part of the herb used: The fruits (Fructus Coryli), the leaves (Folium Coryli) and the bark (Cortex Coryli) of the common hazel are used.
Harvest time: The fruits (Fructus Corylli) ripen in August – September and are harvested at full maturity, when the nut has already hardened. The bark of the common hazel (Cortex Coryli) is collected in the spring (March-April) during intense sap movement. Picking is done only from bushes and branches cut on increased juice movement. Hazel leaves (Folium Coryli) are harvested by hand in summer (July-August) when they are green and well developed.
Chemical Composition/Content and properties: Usable parts of the European hazel contain up to 19% quality protein, traces of essential oil, botulin, resin acids, tannins, flavonoids. Ripe nuts contain large amounts (60%) of fat, proteins, starch, manganese salts, carotene, phosphorus, iodine compounds, vit. C, vit. A, chlorine, potassium, calcium.
Medicinal action and application: The decoction and extracts of hazelnut reduce temperature, have a capillary-strengthening, antioxidant (especially the green leaves) and anti-inflammatory effect. The leaves and bark of the cob nut have a vasoconstrictive effect, which is why they are used for varicose veins, varicose uclers, thrombophlebitis and small skin uclers, hemorrhages. A decoction of the leaves is recommended for the treatment of enlarged prostate. Medicinal extracts are traditionally made from the leaves (Folium Coryli) and bark (Cortex Coryli). The leaves are also used for fodder. The different parts of the European hazel are used in medicine, cooking, in the production of household goods.
Possibilities to offer at the customer’s request:
“Vesselino” LTD offers its customers the herb in the following varieties:
- leaves (Folium Coryli) and the bark (Cortex Coryli) - whole, cut, crushed, in the form of powder
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