Common name: Tanacetum Latin name: Tanacetum vulgare L. Description: Tanacetum is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family with a short horizontal rhizome branched into thick roots. It is spread throughout Bulgaria from scrubland, rocky places and forests at an alt...
Common name: Dropwort Latin name: Filipendula vulgaris Description: The Dropwort is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. In Bulgaria, it is found in moist meadows, along mountain springs, streams, bogs, etc. up to 1500 m. above sea level. The rhizome is creeping with many...
Wild Celery is a two-year-old herbaceous plant of the family Umbelliferae. Root is a starter and juicy with a yellowish-white or brown crust, sometimes with a red hue. The stem is upright up to 1 m high, strongly branched. The leaves are dark green. The colors are without cups. The be...
Official name: Common chicory Latin name: Cichorium intybus L. Description: Blue gall (chicory) is a biennial or perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae (also known as Compositae) family. The root is succulent, cylindrical-spindle-shaped. The stem is tough, straight, bare, up ...
Common name: Dandelion Latin name: Taraxacum officinale L. Description: Dandelion is a perennial plant from the Compositae family. It is a highly variable species with many forms. The rhizomes are short and multi-headed. The stem is leafless, up to 30 cm. high, bare, rounded, th...
Urtica folia Common name: Nettle Latin name: Urtica dioica L. Description: Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) is a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant of the Urticaceae family, genus Angiosperms. It is widespread throughout Bulgaria as a weed along roads, rive...
Common Name: Wild Thyme Latin name: Thymus sp. Diversa L. Description: Wild thyme is a perennial herbaceous plant or subshrub of the Lamiaceae family, growing in the form of tufts. It is a highly polymorphic species, distributed in Bulgaria in many species, subspecies and forms, di...
Official name: Puncture wine Latin name: Tribulus terrestris L. Description: Tribulus terrestris L. is an annual herbaceous plant of the Zygophyllaceae family. The root of the herb is relatively thin, spindle-shaped. The stems are numerous creeping branches, with sparse erect hairs, green to b...
Official name: Cleavers Latin name: Galiu aparine L. Description: Gallium (Galium aparine L.) is a perennial creeping herbaceous plant of the Broshovi family (Rubiaceae) with a height of 30 to 120 cm. It is found throughout Bulgaria in bushes, along roads, fences, fields, crops and places at a...