Red oregano,  (Origanum vulgare L.)

Common name: Red oregano

Latin name: Origanum vulgare L.

Description: Red oregano is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family, with an oblique creeping branched rhizome. It is found all over the country in places with an altitude of up to 2000 meters. The plant has a reddish, four-edged, erect, tough stem, up to 60 cm. high, branched at the top. Leaves are entire, oblong-ovate, usually entire, with short hairy petioles. The flowers are pink-violet, located in the axils of large, overlapping purple (rarely green) bracts that form inflorescences at the tips of the branches. The corolla of the red oregano is bilobed, purple-pink to light purple, less often white. The fruit is dry, breaking into 4 nuts. Red oregano blooms from June to August, sometimes until September.

Part of the herb used: Herb (Herba Origani)

Time of collection: June-August. The leafy stems of red oregano are harvested during flowering along with the leaves and flowers. The collected herbs are dried in ventilated rooms or in dryers at a temperature up to 35 degrees Celsius.

Chemical composition/Contents and properties: The main ingredient of Red oregano is the essential oil. It also contains ellagic acid, thymolterpenescarvacrol, which determine the healing properties of the plant. Origanum has a proven antioxidant, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, sedative, expectorant, digestive-stimulating effect.

Medicinal action and application: Red oregano has a proven analgesic, sedative, diuretic, expectorant, anthelmintic, digestive stimulating effect. It is used for bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, nervous excitement, insomnia, headache, sexual arousal. Externally, the medicinal plant is used in the form of poultices, in the composition of creams and ointments, gargles and baths for skin rashes, abscesses, headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism, paralysis, paresis, toothache and earaches. Pregnant women should only use red oregano externally.

Possibilities to offer at the customer's request:

Vesselino Ltd. offers their customers the plant in the following varieties:

 herbs (Herba Origani) - dried whole, crushed, cut to a certain size according to the customer's request, ground into herbal powder/flour

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